Never give up on your dreams.. ever, and they will rewardyour persistence and faith by coming true. A simplephilosophy but incredibly powerful one that Iwhole-heartedly believe and beginning to experience.

OK, let’s pick up where we finished last time.


Last time we discussed:

  • Turn-key businesses
  • Affiliate programs and
  • Drop shipping

Next I want to talk about:

Advert Revenue – did you know when you visit someone’s siteand click on a Google advert the website owner makes money?

It works like this, Miss A has a product to sell so she  paysGoogle (in this example) to advertise her product.

There are 2 places to put the ads –(1)on the Google results pages, you know the ads you seedown the right hand side of the results pages, they arecalled ‘Adwords Ads’ and every time someone clicks, Miss Apays for it.(2)The same type of ads are also sometimes displayed onwebsites, usually, but not always, they are also displayedby Google but this time they’re called ‘Adsense Ads’.


If you are the website owner in situation (2), every timesomeone clicks on one of Miss A’s ads on your site, half ofthe fee she pays will go to you and the other half toGoogle.

Get a lot of clicks and it can add up fast. I’ve only juststarted doing this and found it an excellent additionalanother revenue stream for my business.

Selling on eBay – its no secret that eBay has created moreat home buzinesses than anything else in the history of theworld. Its not difficult to set up and the great thing isyou don’t have to go looking for customers.

They come to you with their credi.t card already in theirhands. Believe me, when you begin your very own business,you will appreciate the beauty of having customers that‘look for you’.

You would be excused for thinking eBay is only a place tosell that old skate board, or retired TV but it is much,much more than that. With supposedly over 30,000,000registered users, everything imaginable is being sold.

I’ve seen websites selling for 8-figures, $300,000 Ferrarisand $1.20 vintage clothes pegs. Because there is such ahuge scope of possibilities, there are many ways to makedollars.

By admin