A Journey Through Dreamscapes

Mario De La Isla harnesses the power of photography to morph the tangible world into ethereal dreamscapes. His lens captures the essence of serene reflection, focusing on awe-inspiring locales such as vast craters, tranquil seas, and boundless skies. His work is a testament to the beauty of minimalism, often characterized by simple horizon lines that divide water, land, and sky, all rendered in softened textures.iWonder
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The Art of Color and Composition

De La Isla’s compositions are a study in the interplay of color fields. Utilizing vivid yet natural hues, he masterfully blends blues, yellows, and pinks to create poetic visual narratives. His approach is influenced by the harmonious light of nature, which he captures to evoke a sense of calm and wonder.
Influences and Inspirations

Born in El Paso, Texas, Mario De La Isla draws inspiration from a variety of sources. National Geographic, BBC nature documentaries, and the iconic works of Ansel Adams in Yosemite have all played a significant role in shaping his artistic vision.
Exhibition Details

Exhibition Dates: October 20 – November 9, 2017
Opening Reception: Thursday, October 26, 2017, 6:00 pm – 8:00 pm
Gallery Hours: Tuesday-Saturday, 11:00 am –

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