As you might imagine, the security of your private key is essential, lest someone gains access to your wallet and spend all the Bitcoins you’ve mined or traded for.

Which wallet you choose depends on whether utmost security or increased convenience is more important, and it’s recommended that you don’t stick to one particular type of wallet.

Here is a list of wallets for secure Bitcoin storage.


Multibit is a lightweight programming wallet. Likewise, with most programming wallets, Multibit scrambles your private keys locally or on a USB stick.

One valuable normal for Multibit is that it doesn’t have to download the whole piece chain to get to, send and get reserves.

Multibit joins straightforwardly to the Bitcoin arrangement and downloads just a little piece of the square chain, making it quick to utilize.

Bitcoin core

Bitcoin center is the first Bitcoin wallet, initially created by Satoshi Nakamoto and persistently upgraded by the center Bitcoin advancement group.

While it doesn’t have the propelled elements of Armory or the social part of Hive, Bitcoin center is likely the most investigated and took a shot at wallet out there, settling on it a dependable decision.


Hive is a Bitcoin wallet focused on new clients with some intriguing elements. For one, Hive has a texting-style interface that gives you a chance to send and get Bitcoins rapidly and effortlessly.

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